Work / Editorial design

Quidco Editorial design

Qomms (Quidco staff newspaper)

News designer meet Newspaper Club—yes, print is not dead. Qomms was the internal staff newspaper at Quidco, which could be printed in low batches by the innovative Newspaper Club. The paper, which came out semi-regularly, was also designed based on the branding guidelines I had recently produced—lots of Gotham and Quidco brand colours.

Editorial redesign project

The Guide

I worked with Pink Triangle Press on the redesign of their recently acquired travel guide magazine. The project consisted of two phases: ideation & concepting, followed by refinement & templating. Working with the magazine publisher, we narrowed three concepts down to a single look. I then built out a library of Indesign templates. Leading up to the relaunch I worked with the production staff on the initial layout to work out any issues with the templates. I continued to contribute the map illustrations for the first year.

Toronto Star Editorial design and page layout design — Redacted

Toronto Star special projects

I completed several freelance experimental design projects with the Toronto Star art director. The special projects work required experimenting with different product formats, and to layout complete dummy editions for focus group testing. Some of the tabloid design work eventually found its way to the Star free daily.

Globe & Mail Page layout design, Documentation & tutorial creation

The Globe & Mail

I began a contract at the Globe & Mail first on the redesign team creating documentation of the web & print redesigns, then for a semester as a Design Editor Intern where I laid out pages. Creating documentation included building out the style guide formatted not as a reference book but as a learning tool, as well as crafting one-page tutorial tip sheets for staff training.

School of Design Editorial design, Copywriting & editing

School of Design Annual (George Brown College)

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After graduation I worked for the School of Design at George Brown College creating their Annual of student work. We used LEGO bricks as a metaphor for the courses that students took to build their skills. The front and back covers were embossed & debossed with a stud pattern. Interstitial pages featuring transforming bricks created transitions from the cover into the main content and between sections.

Additional projects for the School of Design including assisting with the copyediting of School of Design publications including Canada Innovates: Sustainable Building.

Writing, Editorial design, Print production

Requires Assembly: Newspaper Design and Production

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Before moving into digital, I was an editorial designer. As part of my final design thesis in college I wrote Requires Assembly, a manual on design & production for student newspapers. This 112 page book covers design elements key to the design of newspapers. Originally written and designed as my final design thesis, the book is geared toward student and small newspapers, though it has been spotted at major daily newspapers throughout North America and used in the curriculum of several journalism courses in Canada.

Requires Assembly was the final outcome of my thesis which was to design a solution appropriate for student newspaper editors to help them understand the basics of design, newspaper layout and production. With high turnovers every year, student newspapers struggled with the production of their first issue of the year. Requires Assembly was written and structured as a resource guide to dip into on specific topics.

Dialog Editorial design, Writing, Managing editor

Dialog Newspaper

While attending George Brown College, I worked at the college's student newspaper, the Dialog. Duties ranged from copy editing, assigning stories & working with journalists, page layout & editorial design (we changed up the design a few times), and finally working as the Managing editor.

Editorial design

Medusa Magazine

In one of my first design roles I helped with the editorial layouts of Medusa Magazine. Published by journalist & author Andrea Warner, Medusa ran for five issues (3 black & white perfect bound issues, and 2 full-colour saddle-stitched editions).